Peri Menopause Resources

The information below has been supplied by Maureen O’Dwyer. Maureen is a Registered Nurse who is currently working in the area of mental health.

Maureen has discovered lots information on the Peri Menopause, with updated research, which she has attached and have links below to Podcasts and Websites. She has also completed Menopause Training for Nurses with the British Menopause Society and is an affiliated member of the Newson Health Society and the International Menopause Society.

Maureen Speaking about Peri Menopause on Brain Farts The Podcast

First port of call is the Menopause website created by Dr. Lousie Newson

She also has a fantastic podcast: Newson Health, Dr. Louise Newson – it has all the latest evidenced based treatments.

Her app has everything you need to know

Two very supportive and informative Facebooks Groups that you can check out.

The Irish Menopause

Vaginal Atrophy

Highly Recommended Books on the Peri Menopause
